Psychological Lighting Design


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The continuous improvement of modern lighting technologies, including LED and control, expand the variety of lighting designs. Dr. Yuan have analyzed more than 400 psychological assessment data against 116 different illumiants from 8 recent research reports (2014-2015). He developed Psychological Assessment Correlation (PAC) model and it evolved into Preferred Colour Probe (PCP). By PAC/PCP, the Colour preference sensitivities (CPS) can be obtained, where the CPS quantitatively indicates how much people sense the colour.

More than Ra or CRI, PAC/PCP can provide more accurate prediction of the human behaviors, such as like/dislike. From our experience, the preference of the colours is very related to the local characteristics and fashion.

Shop lighting

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Purchasing is an interesting behavior, especially when multiple choices are available. Colours play an important role here. Since the colour is originally created by lighting, the lighting will dominate many of such behavior.

The purposes of the shop lighting are (1) to attract more potential customers to visit and (2) to persuade more purchasing. The percentage of these two varies as the strategy of the shop and brand.

Our shop lighting design is based on PCP tool. We design the lighting by understanding the preferred colours first. Moreover, we provide a complete interior shop design working with interior designer, shop sales and customers.

Office lighting

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People in office is oblige to work. The owners are interested in the working efficiency and creativity. Of course, if the feeling of 'comfort' and 'harmonic' can contribute to efficiency and creativities, the owners will certainly realize.

The correlation of the psychological assessment (such as 'comfort', 'harmonic', etc) and working efficiency (including the creativity) depends on the nature of the work, local characteristics and leadership of the owners . However, all of these can be expressed scientifically.

Our office lighting design is based on the PCP tool with the applied psychological assessment of working.

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About is a technical service company. We provide technical service in the LED technoogy and Lighting design.





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